@extends('layouts.master') @section('css'){{ __('') }}@endsection @section('page-title'){{ __('BackOffice Dashboard') }}@endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Dashboard') }}@endsection @section('content') @if(!empty($skins))
@foreach ($skins as $skin)
@foreach ($skins as $skin) @php $skin_data = $all[$skin->id]; @endphp
@if ($skin_data)
{{ __('Current month top players') }}
@foreach($skin_data['best'] as $best) @endforeach
{{ __('Top winning') }}
{{ __('Amount') }}
userid }}"> {{ $casino_ids_data[$best->userid]->extern_username }}
{!! GetMoneyStr3($best->profit, 1, $best->currency_id, 0, 1) !!}
{{ __('No data') }}
@foreach($skin_data['worst'] as $worst) @endforeach
{{ __('Top losing') }}
{{ __('Amount') }}
userid }}"> {{ $casino_ids_data[$worst->userid]->extern_username }}
{!! GetMoneyStr3($worst->profit, 1, $worst->currency_id, 0, 1) !!}
{{ __('No data') }}
{{ __('Analytics') }}
{{ __('Yesterday - GGR | Turn Over | Bonus') }}
{{ __('Week to date - GGR | Turn Over | Bonus') }}
{{ __('Month to date - GGR | Turn Over | Bonus') }}
{{ __('Top 5 Winners / Losers last 24 hours') }}
{{ __('Top 5 Winning / Losing games last 24 hours') }}
{{ __('Current month') }}
{{ __('Current month') }}
{{ __('GGR') }}
{{ __('Last 10 days') }}
{{ __('Bet amount') }}
{{ __('Current month') }}
{{ __('Provider bets') }}
{{ __('Current month') }}
{{ __('Top games') }}
{{ __('Last 30 days') }}
{{ __('Devices') }}
{{ __('Past 6 months') }}
{{ __('History') }}
{{ __('GGR') }}
{{ __('History') }}
{{ __('Bet count') }}
{{ __('History') }}
{{ __('Bet amount') }}
{{ __('History') }}
{{ __('Devices') }}
@endif @endsection @section('script') @endsection