@extends('layouts.master') @section('page-title') Campaign (Fun bonus) @endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Bonuses') }}@endsection @section('sub-menu'){{ __('Campaigns') }}@endsection @section('content')

{{ __('In specified from-to time frame, players will be offered to play selected games with given fun bonus amount. Once the fun bonus wagering requirement (multiplier) is fulfilled, players will obtain real bonus equal to the remaining fun bonus but not more than maximum real bonus limit set.') }}

{{ __('From the moment of activation') }}
{{ __('How many times fun bonus amount has to be wagered to obtain real bonus (') }}{{ __('cannot be 0,00') }})
{{ __('Leave') }}{{ __('empty') }} for no limit
{{ __('Set either date in format') }}2019-01-01 00:00:00 or days as 1 for expiration set at the moment of awarding (leave empty for non-expirable)