@extends('layouts.master') @section('page-title') Campaign (Real Bonus Games) @endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Bonuses') }}@endsection @section('sub-menu'){{ __('Campaigns') }}@endsection @section('content')

{{ __('User will obtain real bonus amount (upon campaign activation) assigned for selected games only (category select is prioritized). Real bonus expiration time frame will be set at the moment of real bonus assigned/activated.') }}

{{ __('If not 0, this campaign will be offered only to new users for given number of hours from the moment of first activity.') }} @if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('new_user_timeframe') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('new_user_timeframe') }}
@endsection @push('campaign-scripts') @endpush