@extends('layouts.master') @section('page-title') Campaign (New User Wagered) @endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Bonuses') }}@endsection @section('sub-menu'){{ __('Campaigns') }}@endsection @section('content')

{{ __("This campaign type is available to new users only (determined by user's first activity). Players that use real money for wagering in selected games will receive corresponding amount of real bonus per each milestone. Total will be transferred to player's fun bonus wallet once the hours set for real money wagering expire (automated script is running for awarding). Once the real bonus is assigned to a player, it continues the same way like real bonus campaign.") }}

@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('bonus_amount') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('bonus_amount') }}
{{ __('Maximum real bonus obtainable') }}
{{ __('Set ') }}0 for no limit
@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') }}
@endif {{ __('How many times real bonus amount has to be wagered to obtain real bonus (') }}{{ __('set 0 for real bonus without wagering requirement') }})
{{ __('From the moment of real bonus awarding') }}
{{ __('Set ') }}0 for no limit
{{ __('Set either date in format') }}2019-01-01 00:00:00 or days as 1 for expiration set at the moment of awarding (leave empty for non-expirable)

{{ __('From the moment when new user become active, how many hours to allow for wagering before fun bonus award occurs.') }}
{{ __('ie:') }}48

@endsection @push('campaign-scripts') @endpush