@extends('layouts.master') @section('page-title') FreeSpins @endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Bonuses') }}@endsection @section('sub-menu'){{ __('Campaigns') }}@endsection @section('content')

{{ __('To create Freespins Aggregator campaign, there must be first predefined campaign on the Microgaming side and Microgaming Campaign ID obtained (to be set as external_id)') }}


{{ __("GamingRealms, Blueprint") }}

{{ __("Spribe, EvolutionRNG, GamingRealms") }}

{{ __("Determine new user in hours from the moment of first activity") }}

{{ __("Spribe, Wazdan, Relax, Skywind, Pragmatic, GamingRealms") }}

@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('external_id') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('external_id') }}
@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('provider_id') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('provider_id') }}
@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') }}
@endif {{ __('How many times WRB amount has to be wagered to obtain real bonus (') }}{{ __('set 0 for real bonus without wagering requirement') }})
{{ __('Set either date in format') }}2019-01-01 00:00:00 or days as 1 for expiration set at the moment of awarding (leave empty for non-expirable)
@endsection @push('campaign-scripts') @endpush