@extends('layouts.master') @section('page-title') Consecutive days wagering @endsection @section('menu'){{ __('Bonuses') }}@endsection @section('sub-menu'){{ __('Campaigns') }}@endsection @section('content')

{{ __('This campaign type is available to new users only (determined by user\'s first activity on selected games). Players that use real money for wagering in selected games will receive corresponding amount of real bonus equal to % set with max limit. Campaign runs in consecutive days but user will be limited to configurable max number of days to obtain the bonus.') }}

@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('bonus_amount') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('bonus_amount') }}
{{ __('Maximum real bonus obtainable per day') }}
@if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('wagering_multiplier') }}
@endif {{ __('Set 0 for default real bonus, everything above will be treated as WRB') }}
{{ __('Set either date in format') }}2019-01-01 00:00:00 or days as 1 for expiration set at the moment of awarding (leave empty for non-expirable)
Maximum number of times one same user can get a bonus.
{{ __('Mandatory field. This campaign will be shown to users with first activity on selected games that is not older than the hours set.') }} @if ( isset($validator) && $validator->errors()->first('new_user_timeframe') )
{{ $validator->errors()->first('new_user_timeframe') }}
@endsection @push('campaign-scripts') @endpush